Saturday, August 23, 2008

The first day of many...

This is our first post to our blog.  We hope to bring news, excitement, and love to our family and friends back on the mainland. There are so many things for us to cover and tell you all about our many adventures in Hawaii. This is MY first duty station, my DH's (dear husband's - 3rd? 4th? well... not HIS first) We don't even know where to begin???!!!!  We hope to tempt you with stories of moldy bread, $9 gallons of milk, being called "a local, yeah", to Navy life in general, and my extensive coverage of my first PCS move (thanks Love, I know that this was your like um-teenth move, but Jai has never moved out of the state before and wasn't familiar with government forms, movers, or shipping cars..only travelling...I would always come back home to Texas)We invite you to join us and hold on tight as our Navy life is sure to say the least. I will leave you with this question: What do you get when a sailor and a teacher marries?  

Answer: besides the best love story of two people who serve the public with God's love and blessings and one day God willing the most beautiful children??? just wait and see.... thanks for reading!

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