Tuesday, November 25, 2008

O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree

Stay tuned, it's coming! DH bought me the tree I was nagging about for 2 weeks this weekend and he got me a chest freezer to fill with my bulk purchases from Sam's.  I buy edamame in bulk and other frozen veggies, sorry I have to have veggies with my meal.

YAY! I love my hubby! :)

BTW Thanks ShannonK for the inspiration! Your Christmas tree is sensational, you motivated me to get with the early bird Christmas decoration team! 

Our FIRST MARRIED Christmas! 

This is our third Christmas, but the FIRST married and we look forward to quality time together this holiday season as DH will be leaving to play battleship very soon. :( 

Watch out world, Jai is training to jog the 8 mile Great Aloha Run, that may not be a long jog for you avid joggers but this is Jai we are talking about, I am only doing 2 miles now, I will get there! *Cue the Rocky music NOW*


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