Monday, November 3, 2008

Sunday blues...

Howdy everyone!

How did everyone fall back? Here in Island-land we don't do such a thing, we are on Hawaii Standard Time! 

I am fighting the Sunday blues.

I spent 3 hours of my life in the ER of the Army hospital "Tripler" and after witnessing a young child with what looked like measles I decided to leave. What I assume was his father stated they had been waiting since 11am.  No thanks, it will just be another round of Nyquil for me.

I had fever today which limited me to what I could do and I am just bummed.

DH had duty today upon the ship's return so I can't see him :(
We were going to try to have dinner, actually I had hoped for brunch, I made his favorite jambalya and green beans and cinnamon muffins .

But no can!
No seeing DH today AT ALL!

Texas lost. Still bummed about that!

I had started reading the instructions for Seashell's dress I had hoped to make and well it seems a little hard for me right now. 

I just don't feel well.

I really hope that I don't have strep from the teacher I subbed for, or pneumonia from my DH, or the flu.

I guess the lesser of all of those evils would be the flu.

It seems to have started as an ear infection which is normal for me and always causes a hoarse throat but this time I got fever and I can feel the congestion in my lungs.


I am going home soon and I am just anxious about that!
I am praying to see all of my siblings and I am nervous about closing some chapters about my mom's passing.

I feel that I never really mourned her and for some reason here lately I just start crying for her. 

I miss MY mom so much!
That's just it, I want MY mom, not anyone elses MINE!

Mama, I miss you.
Ok, enough about the Sunday blues, time for happiness and I will see my wonderful husband tomorrow and he will take the best care of me, I know it!

Peace out!

Question: What is your favorite holiday dish?
Mine: Stuffing! (of course mom's recipe!!)

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